Mills preparing for future with online classes
September 25, 2023 | ESCC

Charles Mills is a father, husband and worker, with plans to own his own business one day. Thanks to online classes at Enterprise State Community College, he’ll be ready for his future when he completes his associate degree this fall.
Mills first attended classes at the Alabama Aviation College, a unit of Enterprise State, after graduating from high school; however, life happened, and he had to step away from his education.
He has since spent the next several years working, sometimes holding three jobs at a time. His working career and personal life changes led Mills to realize that he wanted to return to school in 2021 and complete an associate degree in business and administration with a focus in management and supervision.
“When my father passed, that was one thing, and then working so much, I wanted to get a degree to make it easier,” he said. “I want to start a business, just something to get me where I’m on my own and making myself money.”
Mills said online classes has been the best option for him to return to school.
“Online classes are great,” he said. “I’ve loved it. [I’ve gotten} support from the instructors. You can have tutoring sessions. I run into some people that I didn’t even know were in my class, and I’m friends with them. You make friends within the [class], and you can talk to them. We stay in touch with each other.”
He said that he would encourage anyone who may be thinking about returning to school, whether in-person or online, to do it.
“Don’t give up,” he said. “Just do your best and try. Just be proud of yourself. Don’t say you can’t. That’s the biggest thing.”
Mills also said he is ready to take part in graduation next May.
“I am going to walk [at graduation],” he said. “I am excited. I told my wife, ‘I haven’t walked since 2006, so I’m going to do it. I think it’ll be pretty cool.’
“I have my high school diploma, and then I’m going to have my college degree.”
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