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Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Summer Bridge and Scholarship Opportunity for Incoming STEM Majors

2022 LSAMP Summer Bridge Program

  • Preparatory courses in math and chemistry.
  • $1,000 stipend for students who complete the program.
  • Introduction to ESCC advising, programs, and student resources.
  • Potential future research experiences and internships opportunities.

General Information:
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program is funded by the National Science Foundation and its goal is to aid in increasing the number of STEM undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded to underrepresented minority populations. As part of the program, incoming freshmen who meet eligibility requirements are able to participate in a Summer Bridge program to help them be prepared for the start of their collegiate studies. Students will meet daily with instructors and participate in preparatory courses in chemistry and math. Students will also spend time learning about the opportunities their college campus provides for them in terms of advising, resources and technology as well as receive guidance on time management and study skills that will help them once their full schedule starts in the Fall semester. Additionally, a few slots are available for students to become a LSAMP Scholar upon completion of the Summer Bridge Program. Scholars participate in weekly meetings as well as workshops and research conferences. Scholars who fully participate and maintain a high GPA will receive stipends during the Fall and Spring semesters of $1500. Participation in the program also provides future opportunities for research experiences and internships.

July 6 – August 2, 2022

Enterprise State Community College

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Incoming ESCC student who is majoring in a STEM field.
  • Must be a member of a historically underrepresented minority in STEM (African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Native Pacific Islander, or Hispanic).
  • High School GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Application Instructions:
For more information, please email Dr. Tyler Simmons at tsimmons@escc.edu.

Enterprise State Community College

Your College, Your Future

Enterprise State Community College offers excellent academic, technical, and workforce training programs in order to prepare students for jobs that are in demand! Our faculty and staff are committed to the educational success of all ESCC students!